Top 5 Summer Fruits For Weight Loss

Rabia Mirxa
3 min readSep 27, 2021


What do you need to weight loss? Snack with high fiber and low calories? This is all fruits have which help to weight loss. Fruits are a complete meal-packed fiber, Vitamins, and all the nutritions.

Other than this fruits also play role in decreasing the chances of heart diseases, lower Blood pressure, lower the risk of diabetes, reduce stroke and improve digestion.

Let’s discuss the top 5 fruits for weight loss


Like many fruits, apple is rich in pectin fiber and low in calories which is the best choice for weight loss.

After eating an apple you will be full because the fiber (amount in the apple is 2.4 grams) which digest late and you will take a break from eating which will lead to your weight loss.

Apple is a fruit that is available in every country and it has many other health benefits such as it helps to fight against asthma as they prevent lungs from oxidative damage.

If you are trying to reduce belly fat apple is the best option for you.

Enjoy Apple:

As it is hard to eat raw apples every day. You can make many choices such as making chicken and apple salad, dip apple slices in greek yogurt, or add them to oatmeal.


How can it be that we are talking about losing weight and not mentioning grapefruits?

Grapefruit help the human body to use insulin more effectively because it has lots of antioxidants and phytochemicals which help to burn the calories and keep our sugar in check. If you consume half grapefruit before your meal, it will lower the insulin level, leading to weight loss. If you are already fit it is also fit for you to keep your body fit. It stops weight gain.

Enjoy Grapefruit:

You can eat as its own, extract its juice, add it to a salad or you can also add some plant-based sugar to it and enjoy it.


In some countries, it is known as the king of fruits, Mango is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. As you know, fiber is slow digesting and doesn’t make you feel appetite, leading you towards losing weight.

Other than this mango has many other health benefits such as it is good for physical health such as good for your eyes health and improves skin health and hair growth.

Enjoy Mango:

Healthy mango recipes that help in weight loss, you can have mango in cereals, oatmeal. You can cut the mango into slices and sprinkle lime juice on it it will be great for weight loss.


Are you a sweet tooth and want to lose weight at the same time? Then pineapple is a treat for you. As it can satisfy your cravings without loading up any extra calories. Pineapple is rich in nutrients and low in calories and a great source of water. It keeps you hydrated, if your body is hydrated then it will be easy for you to losing weight. You can have pineapple juice right after your workout session.

Enjoy Pineapple:

You can make healthy pizza at home and add some pineapple to it, believe me, it will be a mouthwatering dish you will start to love. Plus you can also enjoy it with cottage cheese.


Super weight loss fruit filled with healthy fats and antioxidants. Avocados are a great source of nutrients, minerals vitamins, and magnesium. Usually, people get less amount of healthy fats, healthy fats keep the body metabolism rate at an optimal level and increase the level of testosterone hormones linked with weight loss in the body of women and men.

Enjoy Avocados:

Dip in greek yogurt and eat it. Cut the avocados into slices and throw them in the blender and make a green smoothie. You can also make a milkshake of it and enjoy a healthy drink.

